Public Comment at Dept. of Ed negotiated rulemaking hearing.

Carey to Neg-Reg Comm.: Don’t Limit Veterans’, Military Members’ Use of Earned Education Benefits

In public comment before the Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking committee on Program Integrity and Institutional Quality today, NDC executive director Bob Carey encouraged the committee to reject burdensome regulations that unfairly penalize career colleges and non-traditional universities. One of…

NDC Calls on Dept. of Ed to Investigate Appointment to Negotiated Rulemaking Committees

NDC Calls on Dept. of Ed to Investigate Appointment to Negotiated Rulemaking Committees

In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona today the National Defense Committee (NDC) calls for diverse, unbiased representation for veterans and U.S. military members in the Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking. “The Department’s negotiated rulemaking has immense,…

Carey: U.S. Steel Deal Counters Chinese Industry Dominance

Carey: U.S. Steel Deal Counters Chinese Industry Dominance

Nippon Steel’s proposed acquisition of U.S. Steel would better position the United States and one of its closest allies to compete with Chinese steel production, National Defense Committee executive director Bob Carey writes in a new opinion piece for the National Interest. Some members of Congress have called for a…

NDC’s Carey Writes Chairwoman Foxx Over Holding Dept. of Education Accountable

NDC’s Carey Writes Chairwoman Foxx Over Holding Dept. of Education Accountable

November 29, 2023 Dear Chair Foxx, Your leadership in holding the Biden administration’s Department of Education accountable through your Committee’s oversight, especially with regards to military and veteran students and their earned educational benefits, is deeply appreciated, and for it…

NDC Leads 14 Veteran Groups OPPOSED to Blanket Immigration Amnesty for Any and All Afghanis.

NDC Leads 14 Veteran Groups OPPOSED to Blanket Immigration Amnesty for Any and All Afghanis.

Recently, the National Defense Committee joined 13 other military and veterans’ organization in urging Congress to not pass the Afghan Adjustment Act (S. 2327), a bill that was reintroduced this year by Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) to accelerate permanent residency…

NDC Releases Ground-Breaking Study on Veteran Education Choices and Benefits

NDC Releases Ground-Breaking Study on Veteran Education Choices and Benefits

NDC Releases New White Paper: “Condescending Paternalism: The USDOE’s Unwarranted Limits on Veterans’ EARNED Education Benefits.” Traditional universities are in decline but protected from competition by entrenched politicians’ biased restrictions on career colleges. At least one traditional university defender group…

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